Review: "It happened at Clear Lake" - Filmmaker Miles Tidal's account of rock legends Richie Valenz, Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper's final days.

by Scott Baker

Independent filmmaker Miles Tidal has done it again. For those familiar with Tidal's earlier documentaries exposing the under- belly of the VampFest and his investigation into the scandalous Heart of America Tattoo Festival, his latest success should come as no surprise.

Tidal captures another piece of Americana with a visual feast of on-location video and startling reenactments documenting this fateful day in rock and roll history. An ambitious sound track and high-brow potty humor weave a complex tapestry rarely experienced in modern independent filmmaking.

The film provides startling revelations into the story behind the headlines. From Waylon Jennings weight problem to Buddy Holly's dirty skivvies, the discoveries are disturbing and delicious.

An all-star cast including C3PO, Luke Skywalker, and Obi Wan Kenobe capture the chaos and horror of the flight's final moments with a dose of horror and dollop of dignity. Tidal's sensitivity and emotional attachment to his subjects allows the audience to experience empathy normally unattainable in short-form documentaries.

Directors like Tidal are diamonds in the digital rough. May he continue to bring fresh perspectives to our collective interpretation of history through his mastery if mise en scene and action figure tossing. This is a must see.

scott e. baker


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